Fig. 5.
dPlod is required for type-IV collagen secretion. (A) Stage 16 Vkg-GFP control embryo showing secreted Vkg-GFP in the basement membranes ensheathing most tissues including the gut (g), central nervous system (cns) and brain (br). Vkg-GFP expression is also detected in haemocytes (arrowheads). (B) and (C), Two different focal plane images from a stage 16 Df(3R)vin66 mutant embryo. Vkg-GFP is not secreted and is absent from the basement membranes surrounding internal tissues (B), despite its expression and accumulation to high levels in haemocytes (arrowhead) and fat body (fb) (C). Equivalent confocal settings were used to acquire images in (A–C). Anterior to the left, dorsal up.