Expression of cardioprotective antioxidants catalase, SOD2, and Gadd45α is decreased in βMHC-Cre;FoxO1fl/fl/FoxO3fl/fl compared with FoxO1fl/fl/FoxO3fl/fl mice following MI and I/R injury. A–D, heart sections were subjected to immunostaining with 8-OHdG, a marker of oxidative DNA damage, which was increased in βMHC-Cre;FoxO1fl/fl/FoxO3fl/fl compared with FoxO1fl/fl/FoxO3fl/fl mice (indicated by dark brown staining in D compared with C), although no noticeable changes were observed after sham procedure (compare A and B). E–H, heart lysates were used to examine the protein expression of catalase, SOD2, and Gadd45α. Immunoblot analyses show a significant decrease in the protein expression of catalase, SOD2, and Gadd45α in βMHC-Cre;FoxO1fl/fl/FoxO3fl/fl compared with FoxO1fl/fl/FoxO3fl/fl mice (F and H), and no significant changes were observed after the sham procedure (E and G). I, relative gene expression of Cat, SOD2, and Gadd45α was determined by real time qRT-PCR in βMHC-Cre;FoxO1fl/fl/FoxO3fl/fl and FoxO1fl/fl/FoxO3fl/fl mice. Significance was determined by Student's t test (*, p < 0.05; for FoxO1fl/fl/FoxO3fl/fl, n = 4, and for βMHC-Cre;FoxO1fl/fl/FoxO3fl/fl, n = 6).