Treatment of cells with heparinase I and chondroitinase ABC or with sodium chlorate inhibits PSG1 binding to HTR8/SVneo, HEE, PAE, and Jurkat cells. HTR8/SVneo (A and D), HEE (B and E), and PAE (C and F) cells were treated with a combination of heparinase I and chondroitinase ABC (designated as H/C) or left untreated. Jurkat cells were left untreated (G) or were treated with sodium chlorate (25 mm) for 3 days (H). Cells were incubated with 30 μg/ml PSG1-Fc or the control protein FLAGFc followed by PE-conjugated anti-human Fcγ. The median fluorescence intensity (MFI) of each treatment is shown.