Figure 3.
Modulation of KCNQ1 by prKCNE1 requires vesicular trafficking.
(A) Whole-cell currents recorded at +50mV following BFA (5 μM) or EtOH treatment from oocytes injected with KCNQ1 and KCNE1 cRNAs expressed as percentage of the current recorded prior to treatment (N ≥ 5 for all time points. (B) Representative whole-cell currents recorded from KCNQ1-expressing oocytes exposed to either EtOH (top traces) or BFA (bottom traces) for 3h, then injected with prKCNE1 and further incubated for 6 or 15h. (C) V½ calculated from the normalized current data recorded after 6 and 15h incubations. The dashed line in the bottom panel is the V½ calculated for KCNQ1-only channels and the open symbols are the V½ values for currents recorded from KCNQ1-expressing oocytes 6 and 15h after prKCNE1 injection under control conditions. N 6 for both conditions at each time point.