A) Preprocessing of data including background correction, across-array normalization, probe filtering and trimming, ratio generation, and log-transformation. B) To identify transcripts with at least one of its exon ratio means not equal to one, a one-sample two-tails T-test was applied to every exon of an annotated transcript with the null hypothesis that the ratio mean of the exon was equal to one. C) For those transcripts identified from the T-test in (B), a one-way ANOVA and F-test was performed for each transcript with its exons as the “level” parameter. Every transcript with the ratio means of all its exons being equal would be a putative DEG target. Otherwise, the transcript would be a direct DPG target. D) A further one-sample two-tails T-test was applied to every one of the putative DEG targets from (C) to test whether the ratio mean of the whole transcript was equal to one. If the ratio mean was not equal to one, the transcript would be a DEG target.