Table 1.
Key symbols, abbreviations, and acronyms used in this paper.
Symbols | Meanings |
τ | Detector deadtime |
Mcps, kcps | Million- or thousand-counts-per-second, a unit of count rates |
a | The true count rates incident onto detectors |
aR | The recorded count rates by detectors |
c1,c2,c3 | Parameters determined for each threshold used in Eq. 1 to model non-linear relationship between the input photon energies and pulse heights. |
t1,t2,t3,b2 | Parameters used to model DXMCT-1’s pulse shape with two triangles. See Ref. 25 for more details. |
NModel(E) | The mean number of recorded counts at energy E including pulse pileup effects estimated by Eq. 6. |
NPCXD(E) | The mean number of recorded counts at energy E measured by DXMCT-1. |
S0(E) | The probability density function of the incident x-ray spectrum. |
Pr(rec|aτ) | The probability of events being recorded given true count rate a and deadtime τ. See Eq. 3. |
Pr(m|rec) | The probability of pileup order m given the events-of-interest being recorded. See. Equation 7. |
Pr(E|m) | The probability of the events-of-interest being recorded at energy E with pileup order m. See Eq. 13. |
RMSD | The root mean square difference |
COV | The coefficient of variation, i.e., RSMD divided by the mean of measurements in percentage |