FIG. 1.
Immunohistochemical MMP9 expression in decidual cells from preterm specimens. MMP9 immunoreactivity (brown) is evident in preterm control (A) and preeclamptic (C) decidual tissues. Decidual cells are stained for vimentin (red) in the decidua of women with preterm control (B) and preeclamptic (D) deliveries. Inset box in B demonstrates interstitial trophoblast cells stained for cytokeratin (red). E) Negative control. Original magnification ×40. HSCORE values for MMP9 expression (F) are compared between decidual cells of preterm controls (n = 11) and those from preeclamptic specimens (n = 11; *P < 0.001) as well as between interstitial trophoblast cells from preterm controls and preeclamptic specimens (not significant).