(A) MBP-Oas1 proteins were expressed in bacteria, partially purified on amylose columns, separated by 10% SDS-PAGE and visualized by Coomassie blue staining. Lane 1, MBP-Oas1a. Lane 2, MBP-Oas1b. Lane 3, MBP-Oas1btr. Asterisks indicate the positions of the MBP-Oas1 fusion proteins. (B) Immunoblot of partially purified MBP-Oas1 proteins detected with anti-MBP-HRP antibody. Lane 1, MBP-Oas1a. Lane 2, MBP-Oas1b. Lane 3, MBP-Oas1btr. Lane 4, MBP. (C) Immunoblot of partially purified MBP-Oas1b protein detected with anti-OAS1 antibody.