(a) Track of the glucocorticoid receptor gene, NR3C1, showing examples of large RDme/ac throughout the 5′ end and intron of the gene. Individual tracks, from the top to the bottom, show locations of hyperacetylated (blue) and hypoacetylated (yellow) RDac in High relative to Low LG adult offspring, RDme displayed in the same manner, mean gene expression, and the location of the NR3C1 gene. (b) Schematic representation splice variant assembly of 5′ untranslated elements as well as the first coding exon (GR2) of the NR3C1 gene, along with gene expression differences between High and Low LG adult offspring (* = P<0.05). Each real-time PCR reaction was performed in triplicate and results are displayed as mean +/− SEM.