Figure 1. Functional inactivation of CD25+ cells prior to infection with TMEV results in an ameliorated disease course, delayed progression of disease, and reduced viral load in SJL/J, but not C57BL/B6 mice.
SJL/J and C57Bl/6 (5/group) were treated with control Ig or 500 μg of anti-CD25 mAb (clone PC-61) i.p. on days -2 and 0 relative to i.c. TMEV infection with 5×106 PFU/mouse of TMEV. Mean clinical disease score (A) and percent of mice affected (B) were monitored for 100 days. Difference in clinical score and/or percent mice affected statistically different (*p<0.05). Virus load was assessed in brain and spinal cord tissue on day 8 in infected and PC-61-treated SJL/J mice (C) and B6 mice (F) and on days 12 (D) and 28 (E) post-infection in SJL/J mice. Virus load in SJL/J, but not B6 mice was significant reduced by PC-61 treatment (*p<0.05). Error bars are representative of standard deviation within a sample group. . All data is representative of 4–6 individual experiments.