Figure 4. Functional inactivation of CD25+ cells prior to TMEV infection of SJL/J mice results in enhanced TMEV-specific DTH (Th1) and antibody responses.
Groups of 5 SJL/J mice were treated with control Ig or 500 μg of anti-CD25 mAb (clone PC-61) i.p. on days -2 and 0 relative to i.c. infection with 5×106 pfu/mouse of TMEV on day 0. In vivo 24 hr ear swelling (DTH) responses upon ear challenge with the immunodominant MHC class II-restricted CD4 (VP270–86) and MHC class I-restricted CD8 (VP3159–166) TMEV epitopes were determined on days 7 (A), 21 (B) and 40 (C) PI (corresponding to the acute, pre-clinical, and disease onset stages, respectively). Error bars are representative of standard deviation within the sample group. Serum from 5 SJL/J mice was collected from the same animals once per week on days 14 (D), 21 (E), and 28 (F). Serum samples were then pooled before TMEV-specific IgG antibody responses were determined by ELISA on UV-inactivated TMEV-coated plates. Data is representative of three individual experiments.