Figure 6. The ratio of activated CD8+ T cells to Treg cells is less in the CNS of TMEV-infected SJL/J mice than C57BL/B6 mice.
Foxp3-GFP transgenic SJL/J and B6 mice were infected i.c. with 5×106 PFU/mouse of TMEV on day 0. At days 3 and 7 PI, the numbers of IFN-γ-producing CD8+ effector T cells (CD3+CD8+IFN-γ+) and Treg cells (CD3+CD4+Foxp3+) were enumerated in the CNS (A) and spleen (B). The ratio of Treg cells (CD3+CD4+Foxp3+) and activated effector cells (CD3+CD8+CD25+CD62Llo) were also enumerated in the CNS (C). The ratio of activated CD8+ T cells to Treg cells was then determined and is shown above each pair of bars. Data represents the mean ± SD of 4 mice per group on day 3 and 5 mice per group on day 7 post-infection. This data is representative of 2 individual experiments.