Figure 1.
Systemic and local injection of B10RIII mice with anti-CD3 mAb significantly ameliorates the development of EAU. IRBP161–180-immunized B10RIII mice received (A) five i.p. injections of 50 μg of anti-CD3 mAb on days 6–10 after peptide injection, (B) five i.p. injections of 50 μg on days 10–14 (at disease onset), or (C) five sub-conjunctiva injections of 15 μg on days 6–10. Disease severity was monitored by fundoscopy twice a week starting on day 6 post-immunization and graded as described in the Materials and Methods. The data reflect two combined experiments with five mice per group. Score for each mouse is an average of both eyes. The results shown are the mean ± SD for the 10 mice. (D) Results of pathologic examination of the mice in (C) on day 21. D: Left: Note the loss of the photoreceptor layer, retinal detachment (R), and inflammatory cells (arrows) in the vitreous (V) and subretinal space. Right, Mouse treated with anti-CD3 Ab. Note the well-preserved retinal architecture.