Representative Problem Situations
Situation 56: | You go home after school and your mom and dad are at home with a couple of friends and they have been drinking and are pretty messed up. They give you some liquor and say you need to learn how to hold your own. |
Situation 24: | Your aunt and uncle have an extra pack of cigarettes and they offer it to you. |
Situation 31: | All the cousins are together and one of the older ones passes a joint of marijuana around the group, calling everyone names who doesn’t want to take a hit. |
Situation 48: | You’ve been driving around with your friend and now you’re parked out in the middle of nowhere. Your friend pulls out some hard drugs from behind the seat and asks you if you want some. |
Situation 44: | It’s Saturday night and you are at a party with some friends. There is a lot of music and many people of all ages are drinking and smoking. Your friend comes over to you with this person you don’t know, who offers you a joint of marijuana. |