IL-21 helps to maintain pancreatic immune cell infiltrate. A: Sections from paraffin-embedded pancreata were stained with hematoxylin and eosin to reveal mononuclear infiltrate in and around islets of 15-week-old WT NOD and Il21−/− NOD mice, with cumulative incidence of diabetes in WT NOD and Il21−/− NOD mice (B), where n = 12 mice per group. C: Sections from paraffin-embedded pancreata from NOD mice treated at 7 weeks of age with a total of 20 μg control antibody or IL-21R/Fc, given every other day for 11 days are shown at 5 weeks after completion of treatment, with cumulative incidence of diabetes (D), where n = 7 mice per group. Arrows indicate beginning and end of treatment period. E: Sections from paraffin-embedded pancreata from NOD mice treated at 14 weeks of age with a total of 20 μg control antibody or IL-21R/Fc, given every other day for 11 days are shown at 1 week after completion of treatment, with insulitis indices from sections of pancreata showing the percent of islets exhibiting peri-insulitis or insulitis in 12-week-old, 17-week-old, and 22-week-old control mice, and 17-week-old mice treated with IL-21R/Fc or IL-21 polyclonal antibody (1 week after completion of treatment) and 22-week-old mice treated with IL-21R/Fc (6 weeks after completion of treatment) (F), n ≥ 220 islets from 10 mice per group. G: Cumulative incidence of diabetes in NOD mice commencing treatment at 14 weeks of age, where n = 13 mice per group. Arrows indicate beginning and end of treatment period. w, week; WT, wild type. (A high-quality digital representation of this figure is available in the online issue.)