(A) Results of Salmonella invasion assay (legends: WT, wild-type strain; sipD−, sipD null strain; SipD+, wild-type sipD introduced by the plasmid pRK2-sipD into the sipD− strain; L116A, F117A, Q124A, K188A, and C244S are SipD point mutations in pRK2-sipD; Δ116-124, Δ186-189, Δ187-188, and CΔ5 are SipD deletions in pRK2-sipD). (B) CD spectra of SipD and deletion mutants (insert: ratio of molar ellipticity at 222 and 208 nm). (C) CD thermal denaturation monitored by the molar ellipticity at 222 nm of SipD and various deletion mutants (insert: estimated transition temperatures, Tm).