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. 2010 Dec 1;20(1):107–117. doi: 10.1002/pro.542

Table I.

Data Collection and Refinement Statistics

Data Collection
 Source APS SBC 19ID APS SBC 19BM APS SBC 19ID Rigaku FR-E
 Wavelength (Å) 0.9792 0.9792 0.9792 1.5418
 Space group P41 P32 P32 P32
 Unit cell (Å, °) a = b = 106.0, c = 126.0 a = b = 111.5, c = 97.8 a = b = 111.6, c = 97.9 a = b = 110.8, c = 98.6
α = β = γ = 90 α = β = 90, γ = 120 α = β = 90, γ = 120 α = β = 90, γ = 120
 Dmin (Å) 2.9 3.2 3.2 2.5
 Highest res. Shell (Å) 2.95–2.90 3.26–3.20 3.26–3.20 2.54–2.50
 Unique reflections 30,747 22,503 22,476 46,979
 Redundancy 4.5 4.1 2.6 3.6
 Rsyma 0.06 (0.75) 0.06 (0.58) 0.08 (0.46) 0.09 (0.58)
 Completeness (%)a 99.3 (99.9) 99.9 (100.0) 99.5 (99.8) 99.9 (99.4)
 <I>/σ<I>a 31.5 (2.3) 24.5 (2.1) 14.8 (2.2) 22.7 (2.1)
 Resolution (Å) 36.0–2.9 48.9–3.2 43.7–3.2 48.3–2.5
 Total reflection used 29,151 21,259 21,298 44,566
 N. nonhydrogen atoms 6,068 5,516 5,416 5,653
  Protein atoms 6,068 5,516 5,416 5,653
Rwork (%) 22.1 22.5 23.1 22.6
Rfree (%)b 27.2 27.4 28.9 26.6
 RMS deviations
  Bond lengths(Å) 0.018 0.020 0.017 0.023
  Bond angles (°) 1.833 1.736 1.706 2.012
 Ramachandran (%) (favored/disallowed) 90.2/0.4 88.5/0.3 88.7/0.2 91.9/0.0
 PDB access code 3ODO 3ODX 3ODW 3P6A

Numbers in parentheses correspond to the highest resolution shell.


Rfree is the R-factor obtained for a test set of reflections consisting of a randomly selected 5% of the data. No I/σ cutoff was used in the final calculations of R-factors.