Fig. 5.
Validation of the combination of four phages with MST1 and SULF1 proteins in the diagnosis of colorectal cancer. Performance of the combination of GTF2i, NHSL1, GRN, and SREBF2-like phages and MST1 and SULF1 proteins in the validation set. Receiver-operating-characteristic curves are based on multiplex analyses of the four phages and two proteins from a total of 153 samples (50 samples from CRC patients, 46 healthy controls, 10 samples from controls with CRC familiar antecedents, 2 from ulcerative colitis patients, 2 from patients with hyperplasic polyp, and 43 samples from patients with bladder, breast, lung, pancreatic or stomach cancer). A, Performance of CRC samples versus healthy controls. B, Performance of CRC samples versus all reference sera. C, Performance of healthy sera versus other tumors sera. D, Dotplot showing individual probability of being classified as CRC patient for each of the subjects with different pathologies. The predicted probability is the predicted probability from the final logistic regression model (to differentiate between CRC and reference subjects) following variable selection. Most of the samples were classified below the 0.5 threshold probability (gray line). Therefore, the model did not detect general markers for cancer or inflammatory disease, but particular markers of CRC.