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. 2011 Jan 5;96(3):E566–E576. doi: 10.1210/jc.2010-2292

Table 5.

Phenotypic characterization of women with KAL1 variants

Subject Reproductive phenotype Nonreproductive phenotype Olfaction
4 Tanner II breasts, normal pubarche, 1° amenorrhea, pulses of normal frequency and amplitude on baseline Normal head CT KS
8 No thelarche, 1° amenorrhea Dental abnormalities, short fourth metacarpals nIHH
11 Spontaneous thelarche, 1° amenorrhea Retinitis pigmentosa nIHH (not formally tested)
14 1° amenorrhea KS
15 Spontaneous thelarche, 1° amenorrhea CHARGE association: bilateral coloboma, ASD, developmental delay, hearing loss, ataxia, cleft lip (negative for 22q deletion) KS
17 Tanner III breasts, 1° amenorrhea, apulsatile baseline clinodactyly, flat nasal bridge, cannot fully extend elbows, normal sella turcica film KS
18 1° amenorrhea nIHH (not formally tested)
19 1° amenorrhea nIHH (not formally tested)
20 1° amenorrhea KS
21 KS