Gonads from third instar larvae were stained with germ cell marker, vasa (A–B; Green), anti-Adducin-like antibodies (A–B and G–H; Red), anti-phospho-histone 3 (C–D, Green), Lysotracker (E–F, Green), anti-GFP (G–H) and DAPI (C–F, Blue). A) nanos-Gal4VP16 ovary. B) Ovary from nanos-Gal4VP16; UASp- p53 fly, over-expressing of Dmp53 lead to loss pf PGC's. C) nanos-Gal4VP16. D) Ovary from nanos-Gal4VP16; UASp- p53 fly, over-expressing of Dmp53 lead to decrease in numbers of proliferating PGC's. E) Ovary from nanos-Gal4VP16. F) Ovary from nanos-Gal4VP16; UASp- p53 fly, LysoTracker positive puncta (arrows) have begun to accumulate in the ovary. G) Ovary from nanos-Gal4VP16; GFP-LC3 stained with anti-GFP. H) Ovary from nanos-Gal4VP16/UASp-p53; GFP-LC3 stained with anti-GFP.