E128K mini-KATP channels have decreased intrinsic Po. (A) Representative traces from inside-out voltage clamp recordings made from COSm6 cells transfected with Kir6.2ΔC36 (denoted as Kir6.2ΔC) alone or with WT, E128K, or F132L fTMD0 to form mini-KATP channels. Each trace is 10-s long (upper), with 1 s expanded (dashed box, lower) to illustrate bursting properties. The scale bar near the WT trace is 5 pA and applies to all traces. (B) Average intrinsic Po of each channel type is given ±SEM. Distribution of individual data points and the number of patches analyzed are also shown. The average Po of E128K mini-KATP channels is significantly different from WT mini-KATP channels and Kir6.2ΔC36 channels (*, P < 0.05; Student’s t test). (C) Average current of mini-KATP and Kir6.2ΔC36 channels in 1 mM ATP relative to maximal current in nucleotide-free Kint/EDTA solution. The number of inside-out patches tested is given; error bars represent SEM.