Expression of activated HIF1α in human breast cancer cells suppresses tumor growth and induces autophagy. (A) Quantitation of tumor mass and volume. We hypothesized that HIF1a expression in cancer cells would retard tumor growth, due to the “self-digestion” of the tumor cells. To test this hypothesis, MDA-MB-231 cells were injected into the flanks of nude mice. Two-weeks post-injection, tumors were harvested. Note that the expression of activated HIF1a in MDA-MB-231 tumor cells significantly retards tumor growth, resulting in >2-fold reduction in tumor mass and a >3-fold reduction in tumor volume. p values are as shown. For all the experimental groups, N = 10 tumors per group. (B) Activated HIF1α in human breast cancer cells downregulates Cav-1 protein expression. To study the possible compartment-specific effects of HIF1a activation on breast cancer tumor growth, we also directly expressed HIF1a (wt or mutationally activated) in MDA-MB-231 cells. Cav-1 expression was monitored with antibodies directed against total Cav-1. Note that activated HIF1a downregulates total Cav-1 levels. Immunoblotting with beta-actin is shown as a control for equal loading. (C) Localization of LC3, an autophagy marker, in activated HIF1α transfected breast cancer cells. LC3 is a well-established marker of autophagy. Note that LC3 immuno-staining yields a characteristic fluorescence pattern that is consistent with the autophagic phenotype, in human breast cancer cells expressing activated HIF1a.