Fig. 6.
Characterization of vascular lesions. (A–C) Multiple dilated vascular channels (asterisks) of a lesion from a 10-mo-old Gfap-Ccm3 (A and B) and a 9-mo-old Emx1-Ccm3 animal (C). (A) Foci of cellular proliferation close to the lesion but not within the endothelium after a single BrdU injection at embryonic day 15.5. (B and C) In situ hybridization staining for activated astrocytes (Gfap). In C, activated astrocytes are absent from thalamus (thal), where Emx1-Cre is not expressed; arrow indicates extensive astrogliosis immediately surrounding the lesion (asterisk) in lateral neocortex (ctx). (D) pAkt (Thr308) is up-regulated (arrowheads) in cells surrounding a lesion (asterisk indicates blood within the dilated vasculature) in a 5.5-wk-old Gfap-Ccm3 mutant. (E–G) Immunostaining for GFAP (E) and Angiopoietin-1 (Ang1; F) of a lesion from a 7.5-wk-old Gfap-Ccm3 animal. Asterisk indicates a dilated vascular channel within the lesion. G is a merged image of E and F. Results are representative of three independent observations. (Scale bars: A and B, 100 μm; C, 200 μm; D–G, 50 μm.)