Fig. 4.
FtsZ GTPase activity is required for SlmA–SBS complexes to disrupt polymerization. (A) FtsZ GTPase activity measured at 18 °C by hydrolysis of α-[32P]-GTP. Reactions contained 5 mM GTP, 5 μM FtsZ, 10 μM SlmA, or SlmA(R73D) and 30 bp SBS17 fragments (2 μM) as indicated. Results are the average of triplicate measurements and error bars show the SD. Reaction rates (molecules GTP hydrolyzed/min/FtsZ molecule) are listed. Due to overlap, not all lines are readily visible in the graph. (B) Sedimentation assays using FtsZ(D212N) were performed as in Fig. 1A. SlmA(WT) or its variants were included in the reactions along with 30 bp of SBS17 dsDNA as indicated.