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. 2011 Jan 18;104(5):871–874. doi: 10.1038/sj.bjc.6606085

Table 3. Analysis of potential interactions between percent density and other risk factors, after adjustment for BMI.

    OR (95% CI)
Risk factor Categories A+B (0–10%) C (11–25%) D (26–50%) E (51–75%) F (76–100%) P-value P-valuea
BMI <26.7b 1.00 1.32 (0.66–2.66) 2.60 (1.34–5.01) 4.13 (2.09–8.14) 3.95 (1.53–10.17) 0.3 0.02
  ⩾26.7 1.00 0.88 (0.44–1.74) 2.19 (1.17–4.12) 5.24 (2.36–11.65) 9.53 (0.93–97.49)    
Age of menarche <14 1.00 1.32 (0.62–2.77) 2.81 (1.40–5.62) 4.53 (2.13–9.63) 5.70 (1.52–21.31) 0.6 0.8
  ⩾14 1.00 1.07 (0.56–2.03) 2.61 (1.44–4.71) 4.73 (2.50–8.98) 5.90 (2.13–16.32)    
Parity Nulliparous 1.00 0.56 (0.06–5.00) 0.88 (0.11–7.16) 1.13 (0.14–9.36) 3.11 (0.20–47.90) 0.2 0.5
  Parous 1.00 1.15 (0.69–1.89) 2.74 (1.72–4.37) 4.90 (2.92–8.23) 5.54 (2.32–13.22)    
No. of deliveries <3 1.00 0.55 (0.20–1.50) 1.33 (0.52–3.37) 2.23 (0.86–5.77) 2.28 (0.59–8.70) 0.3 0.8
  ⩾3 1.00 1.36 (0.77–2.42) 3.10 (1.81–5.30) 5.29 (2.90–9.63) 8.17 (2.85–23.45)    
Age at first birth <30 1.00 1.39 (0.78–2.48) 3.40 (1.97–5.87) 5.86 (3.23–10.65) 5.27 (1.97–14.07) 0.1 0.7
(excluding nulliparous) ⩾30 1.00 0.33 (0.08–1.33) 0.46 (0.12–1.68) 1.17 (0.30–4.58) 1.09 (0.10–11.96)    
Breastfeeding Never 1.00 2.02 (0.79–5.19) 3.45 (1.39–8.50) 5.31 (2.05–13.70) 3.19 (0.77–13.18) 0.2 0.1
  Ever 1.00 0.83 (0.44–1.54) 2.27 (1.29–3.98) 4.69 (2.49–8.82) 6.30 (1.95–20.33)    
OC use Never 1.00 1.11 (0.60–2.02) 3.12 (1.79–5.45) 5.60 (3.07–10.21) 6.83 (2.51–18.55) 0.1 0.02
  Ever 1.00 1.19 (0.52–2.70) 2.14 (0.98–4.62) 3.30 (1.45–7.48) 4.24 (1.09–16.51)    
HRT use Never 1.00 1.10 (0.66–1.83) 2.34 (1.44–3.78) 4.39 (2.59–7.43) 6.13 (2.50–15.01) 0.8 0.8
  Ever 1.00 1.68 (0.30–9.32) 7.19 (1.47–35.19) 8.65 (1.74–42.93) 6.83 (0.77–60.33)    
Menopausal status Not post menopausal 1.00 1.31 (0.11–14.71) 3.12 (0.31–30.96) 6.65 (0.66–66.33) 3.92 (0.28–53.38) 0.8 0.8
  Post menopausal 1.00 1.14 (0.69–1.87) 2.67 (1.68–4.26) 4.35 (2.60–7.28) 6.81 (2.76–16.78)    
Age at screening <55 years 1.00 1.02 (0.29–3.49) 2.94 (0.95–9.05) 5.14 (1.61–16.39) 7.42 (1.74–31.62) 0.5 0.96
  ⩾55 years 1.00 1.18 (0.69–2.01) 2.60 (1.58–4.27) 4.48 (2.56–7.82) 4.84 (1.70–13.77)    
Ethnicity Chinese 1.00 0.92 (0.53–1.57) 2.09 (1.27–3.42) 3.80 (2.23–6.49) 4.75 (1.94–11.57) 0.4 0.7
  Non-Chinese 1.00 2.74 (0.81–9.15) 7.52 (2.38–23.75) 9.16 (2.27–36.99) 13.89 (2.07–93.51)    

Abbreviations: BMI=body mass index; CI=confidence interval; HRT=hormone replacement therapy; OC=oral contraceptive; OR=odds ratio.


P-value obtained by taking the single degree of freedom interaction of two continuous variables (For example, BMI and percent density on continuous scale).


Upper quartile boundary of BMI.