Table 2.
Partial correlations between the different measures employed in this study for the total sample (controlling for age and gender) and for boys and girls separately (controlling for age)
(1) | (2) | (3) | (4) | (5) | (6) | (1) Boys/girls | (2) Boys/girls | (3) Boys/girls | (4) Boys/girls | (5) Boys/girls | (6) Boys/girls | |
(1) BFQ-C neuroticism | ||||||||||||
(2) BIQ-C-SF behavioral inhibition | .48* | .24/.71* | ||||||||||
(3) PSWQ-C worry | .57* | .41* | .55*/.61* | .30*/.50* | ||||||||
(4) CRSS rumination | .47* | .37* | .57* | .36*/.61* | .21/.52* | .61*/.59* | ||||||
(5) RCADS anxiety | .63* | .53* | .71* | .62* | .51*/.76* | .45*/.60* | .80*/.70* | .52*/.74* | ||||
(6) RCADS depression | .63* | .43* | .54* | .44* | .65* | .53*/.70* | .32*/.53* | .48*/.59* | .37*/.52* | .57*/.72* | ||
(7) SSR total sleep difficulties | .48* | .30* | .36* | .27* | .51* | .51* | .30*/.65* | .18/.43* | .19/48* | .15/.44* | .40*/.62* | .29*/.69* |
N = 158; n boys = 84, n girls = 74. BFQ-C Big Five Questionnaire for Children, BIQ-C-SF Behavioral Inhibition Questionnaire for Children—Short Form, PSWQ-C Penn State Worry Questionnaire for Children, CRSS Children’s Response Styles Scale, RCADS Revised Child Anxiety and Depression Scale, SSR Sleep Self Report. * p < .01