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Table 3.

Table 3 Large consistent effect sizes from meta-analyses of brain imaging studies in patients versus controls

Effect sizevs. controls Different from relatives Evident at first episode Specificity vs. affective disorder Other issues
sMRI regional brain volumes Up to 0.86, some with heterogeneity (Wright et al, 76) Yes, at least hippocampus and ventricles Yes, at least hippocampus and ventricles Amygdala volume may discriminate but may depend on age and treatment Pattern recognition methods may be more powerful
Hypofrontality 0.64 at rest; Yes Yes DLPFC activity Performance level
1.13 when active possibly needs to be
(Zakzanis and Heinrichs, 85) allowed for
Mismatch 0.99 Possible Possible, but some Possible
negativity (Umbricht and possible
Krljes, 98) progression
sMRI – structural magnetic resonance imaging; DLPFC – dorsolateral prefrontal cortex