The physical properties of the extracellular loops of the FhuA protein
Loop | Overall chargea | Charge ratiob | Residues | Loop lengthc | Commentsd |
Å | |||||
L1 | −1 | 0/−1 | Thr170–Ser172 | 7.0 | Very short loop |
L2 | +1 | +1/0 | Ala203–Ser208 | 17.5 | Short loop |
L3 | 0 | +4/−4 | Tyr243–Asn273 | 105 | Large flexible, random coil loop that folds back into the pore lumen |
L4 | +1 | +3/−2 | Cys318–His339 | 73.5 | Large loop that contains three helices, and a β strand. The loop also contains a stabilizing disulfide bridge Cys318–Cys329. L4 along with part of the β strands block the access to the pore lumen |
L5 | −4 | +3/−7 | Asp394–Asn419 | 87.5 | Large loop that contains a β strand, which partially occludes the pore lumen |
L6 | +1 | +1/0 | Arg463–Gly466 | 10.5 | Very short loop |
L7 | 0 | +1/−1 | Pro502–Pro515 | 45.5 | Flexible loop that does not appear to enter or block the pore lumen |
L8 | −2 | 0/−2 | Asp552–Phe559 | 24.5 | Short loop |
L9 | +1 | +2/−1 | Asp598–Lys611 | 45.5 | Medium sized flexible loop. The movement of L9 does appear to be restricted due to its positioning between two uneven β strands |
L10 | 0 | +1/−1 | Gly640–Ser654 | 49.0 | Medium sized flexible loop that has potential to block the pore lumen |
L11 | −2 | +1/−3 | Asn682–Arg704 | 77.0 | Large loop that contains an anti-parallel β sheet, which protrudes into the pore lumen |
a The total charge of the loop was calculated at pH 7.4.
b The total number of positive charges of the loop versus its negative charges and was calculated at pH 7.4.
c The length of the loop under the stretched out conformation was based upon the total number of residues.
d Comments concern the cork-free FhuA protein.