Figure 3. Timing of Events for Cardiovascular Death, Myocardial Infarction, or Ischemic Stroke and Stent Thrombosis.
Among patients treated with clopidogrel, hazard ratios are reported for cardiovascular death, myocardial infarction, or ischemic stroke and for stent thrombosis among carriers of one or two CYP2C19 reduced-function alleles versus non-carriers. Diamonds with horizontal lines represent the hazard ratio and corresponding 95% confidence intervals across the different timepoints. Nine studies contributed to the endpoint of cardiovascular death, myocardial infarction, or stroke from 0 to 30 days, and six studies from 31 days to end of follow-up. Analogously, six studies contributed to the endpoint of stent thrombosis from 0 to 30 days, and three studies from 31 days to end of follow-up. The number of events and the number of individuals at risk for events is presented for each study. In the analysis, a patient could have had a non-fatal event during 0 to 30 days and a subsequent event after day 30.