Figure 8.
Ha-Ras-DN blocks bFGF-induced morphological changes but not Rac1-DN- or RhoA-DN-induced effects. (A–D) Images of cells infected with Ha-Ras-DN and left untreated (A and B) or treated with bFGF for 3 d (C and D). Infected cells were recognized by staining with an α-Ha-Ras mAb/FL conjugate (A and C), and the cells were identified as astrocytes by staining with α-GFAP/Cy-5 conjugate. (E and F) Ha-Ras-DN does not block the effects of Rac1-DN. Images of cells infected with Ad-Ha-Ras-DN plus Ad-Rac1-DN, grown for 2 d and stained with α-Ha-Ras/FL (E) together with α-Rac1/Cy5 (F). Note that although all cells are expressing the Ha-Ras-DN protein, only the process-bearing cell additionally expresses Rac1-DN. The α-Rac1 antibody used also recognizes antigenic sites in the nuclei of cells not infected with Ad-Rac1-DN. (G and H) Ha-Ras-DN does not block RhoA-DN-induced changes. Cells were infected with Ad-Ha-Ras-DN plus Ad-RhoA-DN, grown for 2 d, and stained with α-Ha-Ras/FL (G) together with α-RhoA/Cy5, which recognizes the RhoA-DN protein (H). Note that the process-bearing cells on the right express both Ha-Ras-DN and RhoA-DN. Bar, 27 μm.