Figure 4.
Map and language family tree showing the settlement of the Pacific by Austronesian-speaking peoples. The map shows the settlement sequence and location of expansion pulses and settlement pauses. The tree is rooted with some outgroup languages (Buyang and Old Chinese) at its base. It shows an Austronesian origin in Taiwan around 5200 years ago, followed by a settlement pause (pause 1) between 5200 and 4000 years ago. After this pause, a rapid expansion pulse (pulse 1) led to the settlement of Island Southeast Asia, New Guinea and Near Oceania in less than 1000 years. A second pause (pause 2) occurs after the initial settlement of Polynesia. This pause is followed by two pulses further into Polynesia and Micronesia around 1400 years ago (pulses 2 and 4). A third expansion pulse occurred around 3000–2500 years ago in the Philippines.