Ci binds at known targets of Hedgehog signaling in Drosophila. (A-F) Averaged log2-transformed ratios of DamCiAct/Dam alone (orange vertical bars) and DamCiRep/Dam alone (blue vertical bars) at statistically relevant regions of the genome (x-axes) for patched (ptc; A), wingless (wg; B), roadkill (rdx; C), atonal (ato; D), hedgehog (hh; E) and engrailed/invected (en/inv; F) genes, all of which had a significant DamID signal. Transcription units are indicated below. Red boxes indicate clusters of Ci binding motifs with at least two motifs matching the consensus YGSGDGGNC within a 600 bp window (for coordinates and sequence of the motifs see Table S1 in the supplementary material). Green boxes (A,D) indicate known enhancers (Forbes et al., 1993; Sun et al., 1998).