Figure 4.
Proteins involved in DNA replication and repair are polySUMOylated in response to heat stress. (A) Panther biological process gene ontology analysis of the entire data set and the ‘2+' set, and comparison with TAP–SUMO2 substrates and copurified non-substrates from Golebiowski et al (2009). (B) Same as in A, except the RNF4 purification data set is divided into six groups representing the different SUMOylation stoichiometries as indicated, and considering only the indicated gene ontology terms. (C,D) Network analysis of proteins involved in DNA repair and checkpoint control. Labels are gene names; node shapes indicate protein function: rhombus, enzyme; ellipse, transcriptional regulator; triangle, kinase; circle, other function. Lines indicate direct interactions. Nodes are coloured according to SUMOylation stoichiometry. Networks are created using ‘Ingenuity pathways analysis' ( mRNA, messenger RNA; SUMO, small ubiquitin-like modifier.