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. 2011 Jan 21;12(2):113–122. doi: 10.1038/embor.2010.216

Table 2. Inducible genetic fate mapping experiments in mice with implication to adult stem biology.

Direct analysis
Organ Promoter Expression pattern Downstream lineages/implications Longevity Reference
Adipose tissue Pparγ Adipose vasculature Adipocytes 30 days Tang et al, 2008
Blood Foxp3 Foxp3+ TREG cells Only FOXP3+ Treg cells 8 months Rubtsov et al, 2010
Brain Gli1 SVZ and DG Neurons, oligodendrocytes, astrocytes 1 year Ahn & Joyner, 2005
  Nestin SVZ and DG Neurons, astrocytes 2 months Lagace et al, 2007
Colon Lgr5 Base of colonic crypts Complete colonic epithelium 14 months Barker et al, 2007
Incisor Gli1 Proximal ameloblasts Ameloblasts, str. intermedium, stel. reticulum 15 months Seidel et al, 2010
Intestine Lgr5 CBCs Complete intestinal epithelium 14 months Barker et al, 2007
  Bmi1 '+4' cells Complete intestinal epithelium 9 months Sangiorgi et al, 2008
  Prom1 CBCs Presence of complete epithelium 2 months Zhu et al, 2009
  Prom1 CBCs and early progenitors Occasional complete epithelium >2 months Snippert et al, 2009
  Sox9 CBCs, Paneth cells and early prog. Presence of complete epithelium 12 months Furuyama et al, 2010
Liver Sox9 SOX9+ prog. in biliary duct Biliary ducts and hepatocytes 12 months Furuyama et al, 2010
Lung/trachea Scgb1a1 Clara cells, putative BASCs Bronchiole; Clara cells, BASCs and ciliated cells 1 year Rawlins et al, 2009
  Krt5 Basal cells Basal cells, Clara cells and ciliated cells 15 weeks Rock et al, 2009
Muscle Pax7 Satellite cells Myofibres + satellite cells, including 2 × injury 23 days Lepper et al, 2009
Pancreas Insulin (RIP) β-cells Only β-cell lineage 1 year Dor et al, 2004
  Elastase Acinar cells Only acinar cell lineage 6 weeks Desai et al, 2007
  Caii Ductal cells Ducts and acinar cells 3 weeks Inada et al, 2008
  Bmi1 Acinar cells Only acinar cells 1 year Sangiorgi et al, 2009
  Hnf1β HNF1β+ duct/centroacinar cells Ducts and centroacinar cells 6 months Solar et al, 2009
  Sox9 SOX9+ duct/centroacinar cells Ducts, centroacinar and acinar cells 12 months Furuyama et al, 2010
Prostate Nkx3-1 Luminal (CARNs) Luminal, occasionally basal after injury 10 months Wang et al, 2009
Skin K15 HF bulge Predominantly HF, occasionally SG and IFE 1 month Morris et al, 2004
  Lgr5 HF germ, lower bulge HF 14 months Jaks et al, 2008
  Lgr6 HF central isthmus Predominantly SG and IFE, occasionally HF 12 months Snippert et al, 2010a
Stomach Lgr5 Base of pyloric glands Complete stomach epithelium 20 months Barker et al, 2010
Testis Ngn3 Undif. spermatogonia Aal Differentiated spermatogonia 14 months Nakagawa et al, 2007
  Nanos2 Undif. spermatogonia As and Apr Differentiated spermatogonia 5 months Sada et al, 2009
Indirect analysis
Intestine v Epithelial cells, except Paneth cells Neutral drift dynamics in intestinal self-renewal 12 months Lopez-Garcia et al, 2010
  Cyp1a1 Epithelial cells, except Paneth cells Neutral drift dynamics in intestinal self-renewal 7 months Snippert et al, 2010b
  Lgr5 CBCs at entire crypt base ISCs divide symmetrically 2 weeks Snippert et al, 2010b
Skin/tail Cyp1a1 Basal cells of tail epidermis Homeostasis involves one progenitor cell type 12 months Clayton et al, 2007
Skin/back K14 Epithelial cells HF upper isthmus clones, including SG and IFE nd Jensen et al, 2009
Skin/ear Cyp1a1 Basal cells of ear epidermis Homeostasis involves one progenitor cell type 12 months Doupe et al, 2010
Testis Ngn3/Nanos2 Undif. spermatogonia As, Apr and Aal Stochastic turnover germ-line stem cells 14 months Klein et al, 2010

BASC, bronchioalveolar stem cells; CARN, castration-resistant Nkx3-1-expressing cells; CBC, crypt base columnar; DG, dentate gyrus; HF, hair follicle, IFE, interfollicular epidermis; ISC, intestinal stem cell; nd, not determined; prog., progenitor; SG, sebaceous gland; str., stratum; stel., stellatum; SVZ, subventricular zone; undif., undifferentiated.

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