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. 2011 Feb 15;104(4):578–586. doi: 10.1038/bjc.2011.1

Table 1. Description of participants (from 527 background questionnaires).

Sociodemographic characteristics
 Age (years; n=525) Median, 40 Range, 31–55      
 Marital status (n=499) Married/living with a partner, 79.0% Single, 7.8% Divorced/separated, 12.4% Widowed, 0.8%  
 Ethnic origin (n=525) White, 97.7% Pakistani, 0.2% Indian, 1.3% Chinese, 0.2% Other, 0.6%
 Age on leaving full-time education (n=526) 14–16, 39.5% 16–18, 37.6% 18–21, 10.6% 21+, 12.2%  
 Currently employed (n=524) Yes, 76.3% No, 23.7%      
 Have children (n=523) Yes, 85.5% No, 14.5%      
 No of children (n=457) Median, 2 Range, 1–7      
 Taking medication          
  Anxiety (n=495) Yes, 4.6% No, 95.4%      
  Depression (n=505) Yes, 4.8% No, 95.2%      
  Sleeplessness (n=505) Yes, 3.6% No, 96.4%      
Screening experiences
 Previously had MRI scan (n=519) Yes, 25.0% No, 75.0%      
 Found previous MRI scan distressing (n=128) Extremely, 3.9% Very, 2.3% Moderately, 6.3% A little, 14.8% Not at all, 72.7%
 Previously had XRM (n=522) Yes, 82.6% No, 17.4%      
 Found previous XRM scan distressing (n=426) Extremely, 2.3% Very, 0.2% Moderately, 5.6% A little, 18.3% Not at all, 73.5%
 Undertake breast self-examination (BSE; n=522) Yes, 87.2% No, 12.8%      
 Finds BSE distressing (n=448) Extremely, 0.9% Very, 0.4% Moderately, 4.7% A little, 10.9% Not at all, 83.0%
 Feels confident about BSE (n=456) Extremely, 3.3% Very, 13.2% Moderately, 51.3% A little, 20.2% Not at all, 12.1%
 Has clinical breast examinations (CBE; n=524) Yes, 90.6% No, 9.4%      
 Finds CBE distressing (n=456) Extremely, 0.9% Very, 1.3% Moderately, 3.9% A little, 13.2% No at all, 80.7%
 Feels confident about doctors’ CBE ability (n=475) Extremely, 30.7% Very, 48.2% Moderately, 18.1% A little, 1.7% Not at all, 1.3%
Baseline psychological measures
 Hospital Anxiety and Depression Scale          
 Anxiety (n=526) Mean (s.d.), 6.90 (4.16) Normal range, 61.8% Borderline, 18.6% Clinically significant, 19.6%  
 Depression (n=526) Mean (s.d.), 3.49 (3.31) Normal range, 86.3% Borderline, 9.7% Clinically significant, 4.0%  
 Total distress (n=526) Mean (s.d.), 10.4 (6.79)        
 Health questionnaire (n=527) Mean (s.d.), 7.17 (1.83)        

Abbreviations: MRI=magnetic resonance imaging; XRM=X-ray mammography.