Table 1.
Differences in typical sign-out tasks and other patient features, contrasting orthopaedic trauma and adult reconstruction patients
Task | Orthopaedic trauma | Adult reconstruction |
Need to address weightbearing status | Often (dependent on injury pattern and attending preferences) | Rare |
Need to make preoperative plans or initiate clearance while in hospital | Often (many patients return to the operating room during index admission) | Rare |
Need to address anticoagulation orders and status | Variable (ranges from nothing to various pharmaceuticals to Greenfield filters) | Always |
Need to obtain medicine consultation (versus need to address primary medical problems directly) | Variable (based on age and comorbidities) | Almost always |
Need to monitor hemoglobin | Variable | Almost always |
Need to obtain inpatient radiology services | Frequent, highly variable | Rare, beyond first postoperative film |
Need to request durable medical goods | Highly variable (injury pattern and treatment dictate needs) | Many (eg, continuous passive motion machine, walker, bedside commode), but almost always anticipated by protocol |
Age range | 16–90 years old | 60–80 years old |
Primary service | Usually “general trauma” service | Usually orthopaedics |
Comorbidities | Unknown; not controlled | Frequent, controlled |
Complications | Many, variable | Well defined |