Table 1.
Personal and Professional Situations of a Sample of Hospital Pharmacists in France and Quebec
Abbreviations: UHC = University Hospital Center; HC = Hospital Center.
a Determined by a chi-square test.
b Determined by a Student t test.
c Determined by a Mann-Whitney test.
d Comparison not carried out given the difference in regulations between the 2 countries.
e Certain job titles exist only in France and this differentiation is not made in Quebec.
fAverage number of children of hospital pharmacists in France 1.3 ± 1.2 and Quebec 1.2 ± 1.2; seniority in years for France 14 ± 8 and Quebec 13 ± 8; pharmaceutical services for France 54 ± 25 and Quebec 30 ± 20; pharmaceutical care for France 12 ± 12 and Quebec 41 ± 21; management for France 28 ± 22 and Quebec 28 ± 33; teaching for France 8 ± 8 and Quebec 12 ± 11; research for France 7 ± 9 and Quebec 8 ± 11; external continuing education activities/year for France 3 [2-5] (med [Q1-Q3]) and Quebec 3 [2-6]; average number of papers read/year for France 30 [12-60] and Quebec 30 [20-50].