A, intracellular distribution of TTLL7 in explant culture of SCG neurons. TTLL7 was exclusively located in ganglion bodies (GB), where MAP2 accumulated. Equal amounts of protein were loaded in GB and neuritic portion (N). B, distribution of polyglutamylated tubulins in explant culture of SCG neurons. Polyglutamylated β-tubulin concentrated in ganglion bodies (GB), whereas polyglutamylated α-tubulin was dominant in neurite compartment (N). To obtain equal amounts of tubulin, the samples from the ganglion body contained three times the amount of protein compared with samples from neurites. C, immunocytochemical analysis of TTLL7 distribution in SCG neurons. TTLL7 was exclusively accumulated in cell bodies where MAP2 was enriched. Scale bar, 20 μm. D, distribution of TTLL7 in mouse brain. TTLL7 was concentrated in soma and dendrites of Purkinje neurons in cerebellum (left panels), in apical dendrites of pyramidal neurons in cerebral cortex (middle panels), and in apical dendrites of pyramidal neurons in hippocampal CA1 region (right panels). The signals of TTLL7 and MAP2 partially overlapped. The nuclei were stained with TOTO-3 (cyan). Staining with preimmune serum was performed as a negative control for the TTLL7 staining. Scale bar, 50 μm.