A, B. Phalloidin labeling (green) of newborn Class III Kenyon cells growing into the Y tract and calyx, generated by one (A) or two (B) anterior protocerebral neuroblasts (large arrowhead, axons in Y tract indicated by small arrowheads). The mushroom body neuroblasts continue to contribute axons to the main mushroom body neuropil via the ingrowth core (arrows). C. Fluorescent dextran labeling of the larval antennal lobe reveals complete innervation of the mushroom body calyx by antennal lobe projection neurons in the inner antennocerebral tract (black arrowheads). D. Dextran labeling of the subesophageal ganglion reveals ascending projection neurons with blebby processes (inset) that arborize in the lateral protocerebrum and anterior to the mushroom body calyx. E. Double labeling with phalloidin (green) shows the anterior protocerebral neuroblasts and their newborn Class III Kenyon cell progeny extending processes anterior to the calyx in the region of dextran labeled axons from the subesophageal gangion (magenta) and into the Y tract (arrowheads). Ca- calyx, M- medial lobe, Pe- pedunculus, V- vertical lobe. Scale bars = 20 μm for all panels.