Figure 5. Real-time PCR.
Glomeruli were isolated from RARα+/+, RARα−/−, RARα+/+ Tg26, and RARα−/− Tg26 mice at 12 weeks of age. Total RNA was isolated from glomeruli for real-time PCR analysis of genes indicative of (a) podocyte differentiation (synaptopodin, nephrin, and WT-1) and (b) proliferation (Ki67 and cyclin E). The ratio of tested genes to tubulin gene was calculated. The ratio of treated mice to wild type (WT) was shown, n = 10, *P<0.01. (c) Real-time PCR was also performed to verify the expression of HIV-1 nef gene in the glomeruli of these mice. (d) Glomerular lysates were used for western blot analysis of the above podocyte differentiation and proliferation markers. The representative blots of at least three independent experiments are shown.