Figure 5.
Ethanol intake (g/kg) in female and male adolescent rats during Phase 2 of the intake protocol as a function of day of assessment (sessions 1, 2, 3, and 4) and ethanol treatment during initiation. Initiation occurred on PD28 and consisted of a single administration of ethanol (2.5 g/kg, i.g.) or its vehicle (0.0 g/kg, tap water). Then, during PD37–52, the adolescents were subjected to a procedure for the assessment of ethanol consumption, which consisted of four phases. The graph depicts ethanol intake during Phase 2. This phase lasted for 4 days, in which animals were given continuous, 24 h access to ethanol as the only fluid available in the homecage. Data in this figure are collapsed across ethanol treatment on PD31 (2.5 or 0.0 g/kg). This factor did not exert a significant main effect or significantly interact with the remaining variables. The vertical bars indicate SEM.