Subpial or subependymal 43-kDa transactivation response DNA-binding protein (TDP-43) pathology. Anti–TDP-43 immunohistochemical examination using phosphorylation-independent (B, D, and E) and antiphosphorylated S409/410 (A and C) TDP-43 antibodies. A, Schizophrenia with superimposed dementia with many subpial dystrophic cellular processes in the periamygdaloid cortex (arrow) (bar=500 μm). B, Amygdala of a subject with schizophrenia showing subependymal cytoplasmic granular TDP-43 immunoreactivity (arrow) (bar=100 μm). C, Higher magnification of part A showing dystrophic cellular processes (eg, arrow) (bar=200 μm). D, High magnification of part B showing granular TDP-43 immunoreactivity (eg, arrow) (bar=20 μm). E, Alveus of a subject with schizophrenia with superimposed dementia showing subependymal cytoplasmic TDP-43 immunoreactivity (large arrow) and dystrophic cellular processes (small arrow) (bar=50 μm).