Figure 4.
Perivascular 43-kDa transactivation response DNA-binding protein (TDP-43) pathology. Anti–TDP-43 immunohistochemical examination using phosphorylation-independent (F and G) and antiphosphorylated S409/410 (A–E and H) TDP-43 antibodies in the amygdala or periamygdaloid areas. A and B, Low-power magnification of a severe perivascular lesion showing predominantly dystrophic TDP-43 immunoreactive cellular profiles in the periamygdaloid white matter (A) (eg, arrow) or TDP-43 immunoreactivity in the cytoplasm and proximal cellular processes in the amygdala (B) in 2 elderly control subjects (bars=500 μm). C, Same control subject as in part A showing perivascular, mainly dystrophic (eg, arrow), TDP-43 immunoreactivity at a higher magnification (bar=200 μm). D, Subject with schizophrenia with superimposed dementia with perivascular dystrophic TDP-43 pathology in the periamygdaloid white matter (eg, arrow) (bar=200 μm). E and F, Medium-power (E) (bar=200 μm) and high-power (F) (bar=50 μm) views of the same control subject as shown in part B. Note the presence of predominantly cytoplasmic TDP-43 immunoreactivity (eg, arrows), coupled with a lack of endogenous nuclear TDP-43 staining in part F. G and H, Capillary-associated TDP-43 pathology in periamygdaloid gray matter in a patient with schizophrenia and superimposed dementia (arrows) (bars=20 μm).