Notch activated SGPs contribute to the hub. (A,A′) Stage 13 male embryonic gonad. Notch reporter activation was assessed using the hsp70-Notch–Gal4-vp16; Uas-lacZ-nls reporter construct. Gonad showing Notch-activated lacZ-positive cells (green) that co-stain with Traffic jam (white) (arrows) and Vasa (red, germ cells). lacZ-positive cells are dispersed throughout the gonad. (B,B′) Cells activated for Notch during embryogenesis (green) contribute to the hub (Filamin, white) in the 1st larval instar gonad. Arrows indicate lacZ-positive cells. Arrowhead indicates lacZ-negative hub cells. Note that a lacZ-positive cell is also found at the posterior of the gonad. Thus, it is possible that Notch signaling also contributes to some gonadal sheath cells.