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. 2011 Feb 8;10:7. doi: 10.1186/1476-0711-10-7

Table 4.

Distribution of the results of 91 serum samples using the 4 Widal brands for anti-O antibodies in relation to their corresponding IgM anti-LPS ELISA results using a cut-off 1/320

Widal brand anti-O titer
ELISA (91) Total

Positive (67) Negative (24)

Number % Number %
Remel (91) Negative 27 40.29 24 100.00 51

Positive 40 59.7 0 0.00 40

Biosystems (91) Negative 36 53.73 24 100.00 60

Positive 31 46.26 0 0.00 31

Biotech (91) Negative 43 64.17 24 100.00 67

Positive 24 35.82 0 0.00 24

Dialab (91) Negative 65 97.01 24 100.00 89
Positive 2 2.98 0 0.00 2