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. 2011 Mar 8;6(3):e17426. doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0017426

Table 1. Human FEZ2-interacting proteins identified by the yeast two-hybrid system screen.

Gene Acession no. Protein Description1 Coded protein residues (complete) Coded protein residues (retrieved)2 UNC763 FEZ13 FEZ23 Biological Process (GO)4
AATF NP_036270 apoptosis antagonizing transcription factor 560 11–319 + + + apoptosis
ATP6V1H NP_057078 H(+)-transporting two-sector ATPase 247 63–234 + + + ion transport
C1orf216 NP_689587 hypothetical protein LOC127703 229 20–229 + + + UNKNOWN
C10orf54 Q9H7M9 Platelet receptor Gi24 precursor 311 215–311 + UNKNOWN
C10orf78 NP_001002759 hypothetical protein LOC119392 isoform a 245 6–245 + + + UNKNOWN
C12orf51 NP_001103132 AF-1 specific protein phosphatase 3996 2878–3161 + + protein modification
C14orf94 CAD62584 HAUS augmin-like complex, subunit 4 387 16–333 + + + centrosome organization
CAP1 EAX07240 CAP, adenylate cyclase-associated protein 1 (yeast) 468 163–468 + + + cytoskeleton/cell polarity/signal transduction
CDKN1 EAW96276 cyclin-dependent kinase inhibitor 1B (p27, Kip1) 53 1–53 + + + apoptosis/cell growth
CHERP BAD92967 calcium homeostasis endoplasmic reticulum protein 399 301–399 + + nervous development
DEFA3 AAA35753 neutrophil peptide 3 precursor 65 50–65 + + + xenobiotic metabolism
DNAJB11 NP_057390 DnaJ (Hsp40) homolog, subfamily B, member 11 precursor 358 277–358 + protein folding
DNML1 EAW88521 dynamin 1-like, isoform CRA_c 789 549–789 + + + endocytosis
DRAP1 NP_006433 DR1-associated protein 1 205 1–133 + + + transcription
DRG2 BAD92577 developmentally regulated GTP binding protein 2 variant 259 51–259 + + + signal transduction
EEF1G AAH21974 H sapiens eukaryotic translation elongation factor 1 gamma 355 19–346 + translation
EI2B5 EAW78300 eukaryotic translation initiation factor 2B, subunit 5 epsilon 442 327–434 + + + translation/hormone mediated signaling
FEZ1 EAW67636 fasciculation and elongation protein zeta 1 (zygin I) 392 131–371 + + + nervous development
FEZ1 NP_072043 zygin 1 isoform 2 104 1–89 + nervous development
GNAS AAH89157 GNAS complex locus 380 293–380 + signal transduction
GOLPH3L EAW53527 golgi phosphoprotein 3-like 299 159–299 + + + UNKNOWN
GPRASP2 NP_612446 G protein-coupled receptor associated sorting protein 2 838 496–812 + + + UNKNOWN
GTF2IRD2 AAQ19673 general transcription factor II i repeat domain 2 949 565–603 + transcription
GTPB6 NP_036359 pseudoautosomal GTP-binding protein-like protein 403 98–347 + UNKNOWN
HSP90B1 EAW97723 heat shock protein 90 kDa beta (Grp94), member 1 367 1–287 + apoptosis/protein folding/muscular contraction
HSPA1A BAD93055 heat shock 70 kDa protein 1A variant 709 75–163 + response to stress
IGL@ AAH71804 IGL@ protein 236 1–236 + UNKNOWN
IK EAW62028 IK cytokine, down-regulator of HLA II 557 119–333 + + + cell-cell signaling
INPP1 NP_002185 inositol polyphosphate-1-phosphatase 399 355–399 + + signal transduction
INTS8 NP_060334 integrator complex subunit 8 995 508–816 + + + snRNA proccessing
MCM7 NP_877577 minichromosome maintenance complex component 7 543 410–543 + + + transcription/cell cycle
MED7 NP_004261 mediator complex subunit 7 233 116–233 + + + transcription
MLF1IP NP_078905 MLF1 interacting protein 418 243–263 + + + transcription
NFS1 BAD96959 NFS1 nitrogen fixation 1 isoform a precursor variant 457 417–457 + metabolic proccess
NQO2 CAI23293 NAD(P)H dehydrogenase, quinone 2 172 1–115 + oxidation reduction
OS9 NP_006803 amplified in osteosarcoma isoform 1 precursor 667 389–635 + + endoplasmatic reticum stress
PDCD7 AAI31705 PDCD7 protein 270 57–270 + + + apoptosis
PTN EAW83871 Pleiotrophin 246 105–223 + + + nervous development
RARA EAW60657 retinoic acid receptor, alpha, isoform CRA_e 520 111–327 + + + transcription
RPL27 EAW60910 ribosomal protein L27, isoform CRA_b 80 53–80 + + + translation
RPL38 NP_000990 RPL38 ribosomal protein L38 70 1–70 + translation
RPS25 NP_001019 ribosomal protein S25 125 1–114 + translation
SAP30 NP_003855 Sin3A-associated protein, 30 kDa 220 1–220 + + + transcription
SAP30L NP_078908 SAP30-like 183 1–183 + + + transcription
SCOC EAX05102 short coiled-coil protein, isoform CRA_a 122 42–122 + + + UNKNOWN
SERPINF1 P36955 Pigment epithelium-derived factor precursor (PEDF) 418 16–267 + nervous development
SFRS8 EAW98526 splicing factor, arginine/serine-rich 8 951 263–511 + + + transcription
SHMT1 BAD97272 serine hydroxymethyltransferase 1 (soluble) isoform 1 variant 483 364–483 + hormone mediated signaling
SLC25A37 AAF71063 PRO1584 81 1–58 + + + muscular constraction
SLTM EAW77552 SAFB-like, transcription modulator 1168 389–723 + + transcription/apoptosis
SMC3 BAF98736 structural maintenance of chromosomes 3 1217 766–1059 + + + sister chromatides cohesion/signal transduction
STRA13 NP_659435 stimulated by retinoic acid 13 63 3–63 + + + UNKNOWN
TBC1D25 NP_002527 TBC1 domain family, member 25 688 498–677 + + + regulation Rab GTPase activity
TLOC1 Q99442 Translocation protein SEC62 399 2–95 + cotranslational protein targeting to membrane
TNNC2 NP_003270 fast skeletal muscle troponin C 160 1–137 + muscular constraction
TSNAX NP_005990 translin-associated factor X 290 1–276 + + + cell differentiation
TUBA1B BAF82043 tubulin, alpha 1b 451 285–432 + cytoskeleton
WWC1 EAW61508 WW, C2 and coiled-coil domain containing 1 1018 775–1018 + + + UNKNOWN
“SIH” A61065 sucrase-isomaltase homolog – human 48 1–44 + + + UNKNOWN

Results obtained from BLASTX (GenBank);


It is depicted the mininum length of the retrieved sequences which could be visualized by forward DNA sequencing only,


Interaction confirmed (+) by yeast two hybrid system with UNC-76, FEZ1 or FEZ2 proteins;


Biological process based on the GO database (other functions may be known).