Figure 1. Effect of V326N mutation on Als5p expression and aggregation in Saccharomyces cerevisiae.
(A) Maps of Als5pWT and Als5pV326N. The open reading frame is 1419 amino acid residues long, and the mutation is near the N-terminus of the 103-residue T domain. (B) Immunofluorescence analysis shows expression of V5-tagged Als5pWT and Als5pV326N in S. cerevisiae. (C) Adherence and aggregation of yeast cells (gray) to heat denatured BSA-coated beads (brown-gold) for S. cerevisiae without Als5p (EV) or expressing Als5pWT or Als5pV326N. Images shown were visualized using bright field microscopy. The diameter of the beads is 2.8 µm.