Figure 1.
Average of 30 stimulus repetitions for the horizontal eye and head velocity of responses to leftward (A) and rightward (B) accelerations at 3,000°/s2 reaching a peak velocity of 150°/s in a squirrel monkey after the fast phases were removed. Head velocity is indicated by the dashed red line and eye velocity by the solid blue line. One standard deviation is indicated by the light blue shading around this line. In this and all other figures, head velocity was inverted to facilitate direct comparison to eye velocity. Simulations were performed using our bilateral mathematical model described in Figure 4 of this paper. The acceleration gain of the VOR, GA, was measured for each trial as the ratio of the slope of a line through the eye velocity to the slope of a line through the head velocity during 20 – 40 ms into the acceleration. The velocity gain of the VOR, GV, was measured from the ratio of the mean eye and head velocity evaluated at 100–300 ms after the plateau head velocity had been reached for each trial. This figure was adapted with permission from [25].