Figure 1.
Identification of PGC by immunostaining. The top panel shows transversal sections of porcine embryos in the area where the PGC are found; hind gut of E17 (Figure 1A), genital ridges or primitive gonads of E22 (Figure 1B), E25 (Figure 1C), E31 (Figure 1D) and E42 (Figure 1E). Arrows indicate the PGC containing tissue (hind gut, genital ridges or gonads). Arrowhead depicts the mesonephric connection. The bottom panel shows double fluorescence immunostaining of the OCT4 and SSEA-1 in transversal sections of porcine embryos of the ages E17 (Figure 1F), E22 (Figure 1G), E25 (Figure 1H), E31 (Figure 1I) and E42 (Figure 1J). 5-7 PGC containing sections of one embryo of each stage were stained. Scale bars = 10 µm