Figure 6.
Diagramatic representation of the dynamic events during reprogramming of the germ cells in the mouse and the pig. Schematic overview of the events studied in the current report compared with the same events in mouse PGC. Erasure of Igf2/H19 imprints occurs in gonadal PGC of both species. Male pig migratory PGC lose IGF2R imprints before reaching the gonads, in contrast to the findings in mice [37], where demethylation occurs at the same time in male and female PGC after entering the gonad. Remodeling of repetitive sequences follows a similar dynamic in mice and pig PGC, with partial demethylation followed by remethylation after arrival to the genital ridges. The major changes in H3K9me2 and H3K27me3 occur in migratory PGC prior to their arrival to the genital ridge and are concurrent with the G2 arrest. The timelines for embryonic age are aligned according to the time points of PGC specification and arrival in the genital ridges for both species. Coloured boxes on the left hand side show the level of each epigenetic mark in somatic cells. Coloured lines depict presence of the indicated epigenetic marks at respective time points, and the lack of colour reflects the absence of the marks.